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December 27, 2023
Make-A-List Tuesday - Because, Holidays! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Am I the only person that gets really off schedule during the holidays? But now that they are mostly over, I have the urge (probably fleeting) to clean up my studio!  So this week will be dedicated to making a little more sense of the mess that is currently my studio.

I do have some "before" shots to share!  

First off, here's what started the cleaning binge - the new Echo Show that my husband gave me for Christmas!  It's small enough to put on my sewing table (if I clear off some other stuff) and keeps ...

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November 7, 2023
Make-A-List Monday - Chugging Right Along! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Well, we've come back around to Monday again, and it's November - can you believe it?  And our grandson Nathanael turned twelve today - hard to believe they are all getting so big!  He's excited because he got a new Minecraft game, and exhibited impressive patience while waiting for it to download - better than I ever did, for sure!

Let's see how I did on last week's list....

1.  Keep working on that scrap bin!
I actually didn't even touch the scrap bin this week, except for making new ones.  Bad quilter!

2.  Clean ...

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November 3, 2023
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's The Little Things.... from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Friday has shown its beautiful face once again, and we all know what that means - - - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you're ready, because I sure am!  Let's go!


I've got a lot of little things I'm whooping about this week, and since we have to start somewhere, I'll start with the one that was the least fun, but the most gratifying!  These two very messy spots in my studio....

...had been bothering me for the longest time - they were catch-alls and just totally cluttered!  But ...

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October 25, 2022
Make-A-List Monday - It's Been A Good Week! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

It's Monday once again, and I can honestly say I had a very productive week last week!!  Here's how everything went...

1.  Start assembling Nathanael's quilt.
No only start, but FINISH!!  Isn't this cute?

2.  Continue making Lilli's strip sets.
The strip sets are completed...

...and also cross-cut!

And if I needed a sign that this will be a good quilt, I got it!  I made this from a stack of fat quarters that I had been holding on to forever, and I'm not even sure how many were in it exactly ...

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October 21, 2022
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Here There Be Dragons! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Wow!  It's Friday again, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!  I hope you've had a good week, with plenty of time to do whoop-worthy things you can share!  Let's get started!


Last week I reported that I had cut out all the little pieces for Nathanael's annual quilt, Dragon Dreams.  Wednesday, while Lilli was over doing some work for me, I started sewing those pieces together.  I had a bit of a hiccup when Lilli looked at the fabric I had chosen ...

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October 18, 2022
Make-A-List Monday - Turtle Not Rabbit! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Well, this week I was more of a turtle than a rabbit - I'm not sure why, I've got plenty of energy, but I didn't do a whole lot on my weekly to-do list.  I think it's because I'm not back in the habit of going to my studio every day and doing work work work!  I'll get there again, but I'll have to re-train myself, just like in doing these blog posts.  Here's how last week went....

1.  Finish cutting out Nathanael's quilt.
Done!  So. Many. Pieces.  But I ...

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April 3, 2022
Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels from Heart Desire Creations

Everywhere! Last week I wasn’t much in the mood to sew. When I went into my sewing closet, I followed a squirrel and emptied most of the fabric and some other goodies out! Sorting and folding for several hours. I now have this basket of goodies to cut into scraps. Some day soon I’ll get out my studio cutter and reduce the pile to squares and strips.

The closet looks so good now. I could not bring myself to take a before pick. Such a coward!

Not all my fabric, just yardage and batting scraps.
Packaged batting and ...

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August 5, 2021
Stitching, Sewing & Cats from Where Art & Life Meet

There are still spaces left for The Basics Workshop! This workshop is for any and all who want to learn basic design concepts, techniques, stitches and have lots and lots of fun. Hurry and sign up now before it fills up. I did a livestream for my Patrons yesterday using my newly organized space and […]

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July 9, 2021
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Refreshed Space.... from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Friday has rolled around once again, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!  Let's go!


For the past few weeks, I've been working on adjusting my main sewing area so that it's more functional.   After a bit over a year in the space, I have a better idea of what works and what doesn't, so I decided to make some changes.

I started by moving my old sewing table back against the sloped wall...

...with the shorter kids' crafting table next to it ...

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June 15, 2021
Make-A-List Monday - Getting Ready For Vacay! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Hi, all!

I love Mondays - and especially the Monday of the week before vacation!  It will be a super busy week as I get everything ready, but the anticipation makes it all worth it.  

But first, let's see what happened with last week's list....

1.  Finish assembling the t-shirt quilt top.
2.  Quilt and bind the t-shirt quilt.
Done!  I'll be delivering the quilt tomorrow, just in time for the little girl's treatments which begin Friday morning.  I'll share more pictures on Friday with a bit of the story...

3.  Divvy up the thank you ...

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April 25, 2021
Hands2Help - Come Tour Guest Blogger Pam's Studio! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict

 Hi, all!

It's hard to believe, but this Sunday marks the halfway point of this year's Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge!  I've already seen so many beautiful quilts heading their way to bring comfort and cheer - thank you all for your enthusiastic participation!

And today, we have a new guest blogger - actually, this is her first experience with blogging, as she doesn't have one of her own.  Pam M. lives and creates in a fabulous little studio in DeLand, Florida.  Take a virtual tour through her studio as she shares about it, and then give her a ...

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April 21, 2021
Giverny Teleidoscope Quilt Progress + Custom Sewing Cabinet Modifications from Cheeky Cognoscenti

I'm still chugging along with my son's high school graduation quilt, in fits and snatches!  The real challenge is coming up with new pictures for each post about it, because it looks pretty much the same up on the design wall regardless of whether seams have been sewn together yet!  

Giverny Teleidoscope In Progress

You can't see the whole thing in the photo above, but the top six rows have corners attached and blocks sewn together into rows.  I have three more rows to go with attaching corners and joining blocks into rows.  There are no borders ...

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February 2, 2021
Make-A-List Monday - Not Enough Hours In The Day! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Wow, last week went fast, didn't it?  And January, too - wasn't Christmas just a couple of weeks ago?  Well, I guess time flies when you're having fun, and there's no better place to have fun than in the sewing room!  Good thing, because I'm going to be spending a LOT of time in there.  It's commission time of year, and they are rolling in.  Hooray!  

So let's see how last week's list went....

1.  Write at least one String Therapy tutorial.
Done!  This was the first quilt to make an ...

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November 17, 2020
Make-A-List Monday - Quarantine Days! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Monday has rolled around again and what a week it has been!  Both my husband and I tested positive for COVID last week (he's been mildly sick, I'm asymptomatic) and we've been in quarantine for a week now, continuing until the end of the week. Just goes to prove that even if you wear a mask, you can get it - but I'm guessing the mask may help reduce the exposure and make it a lighter case.  

Quarantine makes for lots of sewing time, though, so let's see how last week's list went ...

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October 12, 2020
Make-A-List Monday - A Productive Week! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Wow, last week was very productive!  I guess I just need to know I have a very limited amount of time and lots to do to get motivated.  So without further ado, here's last week's list and what I did...

1.  Baste and quilt the special project quilt.
Done!  It's all ready to go, and I'll share more about this one after it is gifted.

2.  Make a back for the reindeer quilt.
Done!  And I managed to make it using fabrics I already had on hand - win/win!

3.  Make a back for ...

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September 15, 2020
Make-A-List Monday - Back In The Real World! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Hi, all!

Well, it's been a few weeks since I did a Make-A-List Monday post - but don't think I've been slacking off!  OK, well, I did slack off a little bit during vacation, but I had fun sewing on things I *wanted* to work on rather on things I *needed* to work on.  First up was this Plaidish quilt...

...which I finished while on vacation. That was a fun bit of sewing and I will definitely be making more of these!  Then I worked on the reindeer blocks that eventually ended up in this top...

Isn't ...

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June 26, 2020
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Mooning over Moongate.... from Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Hi, all!

Summertime, and the living is easy..... and not just summer, but Friday!  And that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on, so let's get started!


It's been a little bit of a strange week, with more things going on than usual.  So I didn't think I had actually finished something this week, until Bill reminded me of this....

I finished the Moongate postage stamp quilt!  

It did help that I found a really cute backing on the clearance rack at Walmart - I wasn't looking, it just caught my eye ...

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March 13, 2020
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? There's No Place Like Home from Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Hi, all!

Wow, Friday has arrived with a bang, hasn't it?  And now that it's here, it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on.  Let's get started!


After being in this house for more than five weeks. I am happy to say that I'm starting to get settled into my new sewing space!  Lilli came over on Thursday and helped me by putting up my collection of mini quilts and other various wall art....

I really wish I had taken a better picture of her helping me with this task - she looked beautiful ...

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March 12, 2020
Order In the Studio: DIY Wall Mounted Racks for Longarm Quilting Rulers from Cheeky Cognoscenti

Good morning, and happy Thursday, everyone!  Thanks to my blog-reader-friend Diane in Texas, SAMWISE LEARNED HOW TO GO DOWN THE STAIRS YESTERDAY!!!  After reading my post about how I was carrying my 50-pound Rottweiler puppy down a flight of stairs every morning, Diane emailed me with step-by-step training instructions to get Samwise over his fear of the stairs, and they worked like a charm.  It took me all of 5 minutes, y'all, and this morning he came down the stairs all on his own.  I am eternally grateful, Diane, and so is my back!!

On to the Quilty Goodness ...

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February 21, 2020
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Snow Day, Sew Day!! from Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again - and you know what that means!  It's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you're ready, so let's get started!


This morning when I woke up, I checked the weather like I always do.  Imagine my surprise when I saw that they were predicting 1-3 inches of snow for us!  Well, in Tennessee that doesn't mean much -  we get lots of predicted snow that never happens.  But at 7 a.m. I looked out the window.....

Snow!!  Big fat beautiful flakes - and the best kind ...

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